This study was released today, demonstrating in 6,583 patients that visceral fat mass in the 40s predicts the risk of dementia in old age. ...

This study was released today, demonstrating in 6,583 patients that visceral fat mass in the 40s predicts the risk of dementia in old age. ...
This week, I stumbled upon a very interesting series of articles from the lab of Dr. Nir Barzilai. The first article I came across showed t...
The inhabitants of Okinawa, an island prefecture of Japan, are one of the longest-lived populations in the world. Their diet and lifestyle ...
Your great-grandmother would have told you that natural, homemade lard is an excellent cooking fat. It has a mild, savory flavor and a high...
From the US Centers for Disease Control website : Since the mid-seventies, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased sharply...
For those of you who haven't been reading the comments, we've been having a spirited discussion about the diet and health of hunter-...
Fermented milk is regarded by many cultures as a delicious health food. It has cropped up all over the world in different forms: kefir from...
OK, you know driving isn't good for the environment, but you're going to do it anyway. Here's how to substantially increase you...
I was on the road yesterday driving to a county court to defend myself (unsuccessfully) against a speeding ticket. I reluctantly stopped in...
While I was waiting for the bus one morning, I decided I'd count cars to see how many were single-occupancy vs. two or more. I came up ...
According to the World Health Organization, 82 out of every 100,000 French men between ages 35 and 74 died as a result of cardiovascular dis...
Store-bought salad dressing is a crime against humanity. 'Ranch', '1000 Island' and other industrial monstrosities are a goo...
During the 1940s and 50s, an Austrian psychologist named Konrad Lorenz studied the behavioral patterns of geese. One of the things he observ...
Making soup stock is a common practice in cultures throughout the world. It's a way of maximizing the value, nutrition and flavor of fo...
We, as individuals, are gradually losing control of our food. For the majority of human existence, we have been in more or less full control...
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the role of genetics in health. It seems like every day the media have a new story about gene X or ...
Yes, I'm finally diving headfirst into blog-land. Welcome to the blog section of Whole Health Source. This blog will be a collection of...