Last weekend, I went on a 3-day backpacking trip with some friends. We endured rain, snow, difficult river crossings and a vicious mouse at...

Last weekend, I went on a 3-day backpacking trip with some friends. We endured rain, snow, difficult river crossings and a vicious mouse at...
I am a label reader. Whenever I'm thinking about buying food in a box, which is rare, I typically read the whole label to look for sini...
One of the surprising things I noticed when I was poring over data from the NHANES survey (US CDC National Health and Nutrition Examination ...
I bought about a pound of almonds yesterday for a backpacking trip I'll be doing this weekend. I like to soak raw almonds, then lightly...
Lentils are a healthy food that comes with a few caveats. They have more protein and less carbohydrate than any other legume besides soybean...
As you may have noticed, I suspect fructose is involved in overweight and other health problems. It seems to have adverse effects on fat de...
At 38% and climbing in 2006, the Pima indians (Akimel O'odham) of Arizona have the highest rate of diabetes of any population in the wor...
I've been reading through some papers on a gut-brain connection that regulates food intake and blood nutrient balance. I've learne...
In the last post, I introduced you to the remarkable antidiabetic effect of gastric bypass surgery. It rapidly reverses diabetes in 83% of ...
I've been thinking a lot about natural building lately. Here in the US, we are practically forced into occupying homes that are expensi...