Confusing Correlation and Causation Recently, a paper was published that examined the association between sleep duration and the risk of de...

Confusing Correlation and Causation Recently, a paper was published that examined the association between sleep duration and the risk of de...
The "Thrifty Gene" Hypothesis The thrifty gene hypothesis is the darling of many obesity researchers. It was proposed in 1962 by ...
Have you ever wondered why the buttocks is one of the most attractive parts of the body on both sexes? I've heard it said that a man wit...
All this talk about butter is making me hungry. Richard mentioned in the comments that he bought some ghee recently and has been enjoying ...
If vitamin A, D and K2 deficiency are important contributors to the characteristic pattern of chronic disease in modern societies (the '...
Meditation is the single most effective tool I've ever found for cultivating calmness, positivity and self-acceptance. It's an ancie...
I saw a movie a few nights ago called 'The Dhamma Brothers'. It's about a meditation program at Donaldson correctional facility...
I'm going to do some speculating today. More than usual. What are some of the deficiency symptoms of A, D and K2? Another way of putt...
Weston Price established the importance of the MK-4 isoform of vitamin K2 (hereafter, K2) with a series of interesting experiments. He sho...
A friend and I went hunting for morels today in the Wenatchee forest. There was only one on the entire mountain, but we managed to find it:...
I left out one of the juicier tidbits from the last post because it was getting long. Investigators Kang-Jey Ho et al . wanted an explanati...
I've been digging deeper into the health of the Masai lately. A commenter on Chris's blog pointed me to a 1972 paper showing that...
I just read a recent paper from the British Journal of Sports Medicine, "Daily Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in M...
Why are we so soft today? Why is it that our ancestors were able to perform feats like killing bears and wooly mammoths in snow-swept grass...
Last night I was watching a little video clip of the Jack LaLanne show. LaLanne was an advocate of strength training and whole foods nutri...