Prevention is Easier than Cure Experiments in animals have confirmed what common sense suggests: it's easier to prevent health problems ...

The Body Fat Setpoint, Part IV: Changing the Setpoint
Info Post
Prevention is Easier than Cure Experiments in animals have confirmed what common sense suggests: it's easier to prevent health problems ...
What Caused the Setpoint to Change? We have two criteria to narrow our search for the cause of modern fat gain: It has to be new to the huma...
Dr. Ronald Krauss's group just published another article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this time on the intervention t...
The Timeline of Fat Gain Modern humans are unusual mammals in that fat mass varies greatly between individuals. Some animals carry a large ...
I never thought I'd see the day when one of the most prominent lipid researchers in the world did an honest review of the observational ...
There was an article on the modern "Paleolithic" lifestyle in the New York Times today. I thought it was a pretty fair treatment ...