Lately I keep running into the idea that the proper way to do science is to continually strive to disprove a hypothesis, rather than suppor...

How Should Science be Done?
Info Post
Lately I keep running into the idea that the proper way to do science is to continually strive to disprove a hypothesis, rather than suppor...
My colleagues Drs. Mario Kratz, Ton Baars, and I just published a paper in the European Journal of Nutrition titled " The Relationship ...
In the comments of the last post, we've been discussing the relationship between body fatness and diabetes risk. I think this is really...
Aitor Calero writes for the popular Spanish cooking and nutrition blog, Directo al Paladar ("straight to the palate"). We did a ...
As discussed in the previous post, a recent study by Dr. David Ludwig's group suggested that during weight maintenance following fat los...