Until about two years ago, the story went something like this: calorie restriction extends lifespan in yeast, worms, flies, and rodents. Li...

Does Calorie Restriction Extend Lifespan in Mammals?
Info Post
Until about two years ago, the story went something like this: calorie restriction extends lifespan in yeast, worms, flies, and rodents. Li...
After a one-year delay, my talk from the 2011 Ancestral Health Symposium is online with slides synched. The talk is titled " Obesity: ...
I recently returned from AHS12 and a little side trip to visit family. The conference was hosted at Harvard University through the Harvard ...
The FDA recently approved a new drug called lorcaserin (brand name Belviq) for the treatment of obesity. Lorcaserin causes an average of 13...
By Dr. Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, from a recent paper, "The Neurobiology of Food Intake in an Obesogenic Environment" ( 1 ). I came ac...