Glucagon is a hormone that plays an important role in blood glucose control. Like insulin, it's secreted by the pancreas, though it...

Glucagon is a hormone that plays an important role in blood glucose control. Like insulin, it's secreted by the pancreas, though it...
Every child loves animal crackers, those sweet and crunchy animal-shaped biscuits. But are they compatible with a Paleo diet? Some people ...
This week's "lucky" winner... milkshakes! Read more »
Last week, I attended a Keystone conference, "Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight", in Banff. Keystone conference...
This week's luck winner(s)... pastries!! Read more »
This week's lucky "winner"... fried Coke! Read more »
Many of you are already aware of the recent study that examined atherosclerosis in 137 ancient mummies from four different cultures ( 1 ). ...
This week's lucky "winner"... Yoplait Go-Gurt! Read more »
By now, most of you have probably heard about the recent study on the "Mediterranean diet" ( 1 ), a diet that was designed by diet...
Or, more accurately, a rat's brain on potato chips. Last week, PLoS One published a very interesting paper by Dr. Tobias Hoch and colle...
I'd just like to put in a quick word for a book that will be released tomorrow, titled Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us , ...
This week, Food Reward Friday is going to be a little bit different. I've received a few e-mails from people who would like to see me w...
I recently revisited a really cool paper published in the Lancet in 2009 on body fatness, biomarkers, health, and mortality ( 1 ). It's ...
This week's "winner"... the Banana Split! Read more »
This week's lucky "winner"... an unnamed hot dog-laden Pizza Hut monstrosity with tempura shrimp and mayonnaise! Read more »
In the (probably) last post of this series, I'll take the pieces that I've gradually outlined in previous posts, and put them togeth...
Welcome back to the series, after a bit of a hiatus! In previous posts, we covered the fact that humans eat because we're motivated to ...
In previous posts in this series, I explained that the brain (primarily the mesolimbic system) integrates various factors to decide whether ...
In previous posts, I explained that food intake is determined by a variety of factors that are detected by the brain, and integrated by circ...
In this post, I'll follow up on the last post with a discussion two more important factors that can affect energy homeostasis and theref...
In the first post, I explained that all voluntary actions are driven by a central action selection system in the mesolimbic area (the reward...
In the last post, I explained that eating behavior is determined by a variety of factors, including hunger and a number of others that I...
As with all voluntary movements, eating food is an expression of activity in the brain. The brain integrates various inputs from around the...
Over the last year, I've noticed that the quality of the comments section here has deteriorated significantly, with a high proportion of...
I often receive requests from people asking for my overall perspective on fat loss and health. I share my opinions here, but they're sc...
This week's "winner"... the KFC Double Down sandwich! Read more »
I recently read an opinion piece by Gary Taubes in the scientific journal Nature , titled "Treat Obesity as Physiology, not Physics...
Five years ago, I had an interesting conversation with a veterinarian friend about dog food. We were talking about diabetes in one of the d...
This week's "winner"... the Garbage Plate!! Read more »
I was scheduled to appear on Jimmy Moore's show "Ask the Low-Carb Experts" this Thursday. I don't consider myself a low-c...
It's commonly accepted in the obesity research community that fat gain causes insulin resistance and an increase in circulating insulin,...
This week's "winner"... the Heart Attack Grill's Quadruple Bypass Burger! Read more »
A friend of mine came down with a nasty flu recently. I checked Google Flu Trends , and found that flu activity is currently at "inten...