Commenter Kiwi Geoff kindly wrote a program that calculates LDL using the Friedewald equation and the equation from this paper , which may b...
Another Fatty Liver Reversal
Just to show it wasn't a fluke, reader "Steve" replicates the experiment: I had a similar problem as what Sam described, and i...
When Friedewald Attacks
I don't get very excited about nitpicking blood lipids. That's not to say they're not useful. There's definitely an associ...
Letter to the Editor
I just got a letter to the editor published in the journal Obesity . It's a comment on an article published in October titled " E...
Fatty Liver Reversal
On April 15th, I received an e-mail from a reader who I'll call Sam. Sam told me that he had elevated levels of the liver enzyme ALT (a...
A Little Tidbit
I'm gearing up for a new series of posts based on some fascinating reading I've been doing lately. I'm not going to spill the b...
The Lyon Diet-Heart Study: A Few More Thoughts
Although the degree of atherosclerosis (hardening/narrowing of the arteries) correlates with the risk of heat attack, the correlation isn...
Donations Gratefully Accepted
I've been incurring significant costs buying books and photocopying journal articles for the blog lately, so I've decided to add a d...
The Lyon Diet-Heart Study: Implications
There's something ironic about the Mediterranean diet used in the Lyon diet heart study, the one that dramatically reduced participants...
The Lyon Diet-Heart Study
Now that we have the proper context, it's time to dig into the Lyon Diet-Heart trial , one of the most important and misunderstood diet ...
The Lyon Diet-Heart Study: Background
To appreciate the full significance of the Lyon diet-heart study, we have to go back in time a bit. We're off to 1982, the year the U.S...